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Successful exam where no crawler could ever go

Push Dakk CCTV

The Culvert

We were required to carry out a detailed examination of a single barrel culvert. The previous detailed was incomplete as it was only viewed from one end. On arrival, the culvert was found to be not only flooded but had a locked trash screen in place.


The Equipment

No standard crawler could be used in this situation so the Push Dakk was used to examine the barrel. 

This system incorporates the standard camera and control box used in all the Dakk crawlers but is installed on a small floating raft.

It was able to fit through the bars of the screen and float on top of the water.

The rigid aluminium poles were chosen to allow greater control over the raft.

The Wi Fi was enabled to allow the footage to be viewed on 2 separate screens.

The Team

To carry out the examination a team of one STE4 examiner and one operator was used. The operator pushed the raft through the culvert whilst the STE4 carried out the examination.


The Examination.

Even though the culvert was flooded the full length of the barrel was successfully examined and a number of defects were discovered. (see photos)

Culvert headwall with trash screen
Culfert barrel defects
View inside the culvert chamber.
Culvert barrel fracture.
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